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Medal of the Virgin and Childdiameter: 16 x 20 mmWeight: 2 grArticle code: H2486
Medal Angel protector diameter: 14 mm Weight: 1.5 gr artcicle code: H4145
Gold plated medal - brilliant colordiameter: 14 mmWeight: 1.2 gr
Medal of the Miraculous VirginWeight: 2 grSize: 2.1 cmArticle code: 10760
Gold plated medalDimensions: 18mmItem code 16205
Gold Plated MedalMiraculous Virgin17 mm
Gold plated medal - matte colordiameter: 14 mmWeight: 1.2 gr
Gold plated medal - matte colordiameter: 15 mmWeight: 1.4 gr
Gold plated medal - matte colordiameter: 18 mmWeight: 1.5 gr